Concrete Reflections Pensacola/Panama City is a leader in the polished concrete industry, the beautiful “green” flooring solution being embraced by so many businesses today.

As a modern and sustainable design flooring option, polished concrete takes top billing. Easy to install, aesthetically pleasing, slip resistant and durable, polished concrete floors can be versatile in color and design. Some even can be polished to look like marble.

Quality concrete polishing companies such as Concrete Reflections Pensacola/Panama City use an 8-12 step process that finely grinds pieces of diamonds away at the floor, while removing stains, coatings and blemishes. This permanent flooring product can be installed in new commercial construction or can be used to rehab older concrete. Either way, the end result is a high-quality, beautiful floor that is a sustainable and durable.

Contact Concrete Reflections Pensacola/Panama City to receive a free quote on your next polished concrete job. Click here for details.