Choose the best company, a leader in the field of concrete polishing, with Concrete Reflections Winston Salem/Raleigh/Durham. Our state-of-the-art diamond grinding process can make your dull slab floor turn into a work of art. Or if you have new construction, enjoy choosing the many dyes, stains and colors that will turn your floor into something memorable.

Why choose polished concrete? The answers are many. For one, polished concrete is a sustainable “green” choice, and it’s durable as well. This permanent flooring solution eliminates the need to replace vinyl or carpeting every few years, plus maintenance is a breeze with polished concrete.

Concrete Reflections Winston Salem/Raleigh/Durham is the most effective choice for flooring when weighing the cost of keeping floors clean. Polished concrete floors are durable, scuff and slip- resistant and meet or exceed OSHA and FDA standards. This economic choice is a permanent and long-lasting floor that stays beautiful, increasing light reflection and thus saving you money.

Polished concrete floors are beautiful and lustrous, even being compared to looking like marble. There are many dyes, stains and patterns that can be chosen to create a work of art.

Let Concrete Reflections Winston Salem/Raleigh/Durham help you with your next flooring project. Click here for a free quote. We’ll get back with you quickly.